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iTapuih.com - Materi Lengkap Vocabulary : Public Places. Berikut ini akan share materi Bahasa Inggris tentang Vocabulary : Public Places. Pada postingan ini saya akan membahas tentang kosa kata Tempat-Tempat Umum yang ada di sekitar kita dalam bahasa Inggris, baik yang sudah anda ketahui maupun yang belum pernah anda dengar sebelumnya. Dalam postingan ini admin juga memberikan terjemahan dari masing-masing kosa kata serta dilengkapi list vocabulary berdasarkan abjad dari A sampai Z sehingga akan memudahkan anda dalam mencari kosa katanya. Semoga Vocabulary : Public Places ini bermanfaat.
No | English | Indonesia |
A | ||
1 | Airport | Bandar Udara |
2 | Amusement park | Taman Hiburan |
3 | Antique shop | Toko antik |
4 | Appliance store | Toko alat |
5 | Arcade | Arcade |
6 | Arena | Arena |
7 | Art gallery | Galeri Seni |
8 | Art museum | Museum seni |
9 | Aquarium | Akuarium |
10 | Army surplus store | Tentara surplus toko |
11 | Auditorium | Auditorium |
12 | Automat | Otomat |
B | ||
13 | Bakery | Roti |
14 | Bank | Bank |
15 | Bar | Bar |
16 | Barbershop | Barbershop |
17 | Beauty salon | Salon kecantikan |
18 | Bed and breakfast | Bed and breakfast |
19 | Bistro | Bistro |
20 | Bookstore | Toko buku |
21 | Boutique | Butik |
22 | Brasserie | Brasserie |
23 | Bus station | Stasiun Bus |
24 | Butcher shop | Toko daging |
C | ||
25 | Cafe | Kafe |
26 | Cafeteria | Kantin |
27 | Camera store | Toko kamera |
28 | Candy shop | Toko permen |
29 | Capitol building | Capitol building |
30 | Car dealership | Dealer mobil |
31 | Car wash | Cuci Mobil |
32 | Chain store | Toko |
33 | Cinema | Bioskop |
34 | City hall | Balai kota |
35 | Civic center | Civic center |
36 | Clinic | Klinik |
37 | Clothing store | Toko pakaian |
38 | Coffee shop | Kedai kopi |
39 | College | Perguruan tinggi |
40 | Community center | Pusat komunitas |
41 | Consignment shop | Toko konsinyasi |
42 | Convenience store | Toko |
43 | Convention center | Pusat Konvensi |
44 | Copy shop | Menyalin toko |
45 | Courthouse | Pengadilan |
D | ||
46 | Dance studio | Studio tari |
47 | Deli | Deli |
48 | Delicatessen | Makanan |
49 | Department store | Department store |
50 | Dentist's office | Kantor gigi |
51 | Diner | Restoran |
52 | Discount store | Toko diskon |
53 | Doctor's office | Kantor dokter |
54 | Dollar store | Dolar toko |
55 | Dressmaker | Penjahit |
56 | Drive-in movie | Bioskop drive-in |
57 | Drive-through | Drive-through |
58 | Drugstore | Toko obat |
E | ||
59 | Electronics store | Toko elektronik |
60 | Emporium | Emporium |
F | ||
61 | Fabric store | Toko kain |
62 | Factory outlet | Pabrik outlet |
63 | Farmer's market | Pasar petani |
64 | Fast food restaurant | Restoran makanan cepat |
65 | Feed store | Pakan toko |
66 | Fire station | Stasiun pemadam kebakaran |
67 | Five-and-dime store | Toko Five-and-Dime |
68 | Fix-it shop | Fix-it toko |
69 | Florist | Bunga |
70 | Food court | Makanan Lapangan |
71 | Funeral home | Rumah duka |
72 | Furniture store | Toko Furniture |
G | ||
73 | Gallery | Galeri |
74 | Game store | Permainan Toko |
75 | Gas station | Pompa bensin |
76 | General store | Toko umum |
77 | Gift store | Toko hadiah |
78 | Grocery store | Toko |
79 | Gym | Olahraga |
80 | Gymnasium | Gimnasium |
H | ||
81 | Haberdashery | Barang kelontong |
82 | Hairdresser | Penata rambut |
83 | Hardware store | Toko |
84 | Hobby store | Toko hobi |
85 | Home improvement store | Toko perbaikan rumah |
86 | Hotel | Hotel |
I | ||
87 | Ice cream shop | Toko es krim |
88 | Inn | Penginapan |
J | ||
89 | Jewelry store | Toko perhiasan |
K | ||
90 | Kiosk store | Toko kios |
L | ||
91 | Library | Perpustakaan |
92 | Lighthouse | Mercusuar |
93 | Lumberyard | Tempat penjualan kayu |
M | ||
94 | Mall | Mall |
95 | Market | Pasar |
96 | Meeting house | Rumah pertemuan |
97 | Milliner | Pembuat topi topi |
98 | Motel | Motel |
99 | Movie theater | Bioskop |
100 | Museum | Museum |
101 | Music store | Toko musik |
N | ||
102 | Natural history museum | Museum sejarah alam |
103 | Nursery | Pembibitan |
O | ||
104 | Office building | Kantor |
105 | Optometrist | Dokter mata |
106 | Outlet store | Toko outlet |
P | ||
107 | Park | Taman |
108 | Parking garage | Garasi parkir |
109 | Pawnshop | Pegadaian |
110 | Pet store | Toko hewan peliharaan |
111 | Pharmacy | Farmasi |
112 | Pizza place | Tempat pizza |
113 | Playground | Bermain Anak |
114 | Police station | Polisi |
115 | Post office | Kantor pos |
116 | Pub | Pub |
117 | Public garden | Taman |
Q | ||
118 | Quilt store | Selimut toko |
R | ||
119 | Real estate agency | Agen real estate |
120 | Repair shop | Toko perbaikan |
121 | Restaurant | Restoran |
122 | Retailer | Pengecer |
S | ||
123 | Salon | Salon |
124 | Saloon | Saloon |
125 | Sandwich shop | Toko sandwich |
126 | School | Sekolah |
127 | Second hand store | Tangan kedua toko |
128 | Shoe store | Sepatu toko |
129 | Shop | Toko |
130 | Soda shop | Soda toko |
131 | Sporting goods store | Toko barang olahraga |
132 | Stadium | Stadion |
133 | Stationer | Stasioner |
134 | Stationery store | Toko alat tulis |
135 | Store | Toko |
136 | Supermarket | Supermarket |
137 | Surplus store | Toko surplus |
T | ||
138 | Tailor | Menyesuaikan |
139 | Tavern | Kedai |
140 | Tea house | Rumah teh |
141 | Tearoom | Kedai teh |
142 | Theater | Teater |
143 | Thrift store | Toko barang bekas |
144 | Town hall | Balai kota |
145 | Toy store | Toko mainan |
146 | Train station | Stasiun Kereta |
147 | Travel agent | Agen perjalanan |
148 | Truck stop | Truk berhenti |
U | ||
149 | Undertaker | Undertaker |
150 | University | Universitas |
151 | Upholstery shop | Jok toko |
V | ||
152 | Video store | Toko video |
W | ||
153 | Wax museum | Museum lilin |
Z | ||
154 | Zoo | Kebun binatang |
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